i need to check whether a demical is 0 through 49.99 or 50 through 99.99 or 100 through 199.99 or greater than 200. i am trying to do this with select case, but i am not sure of the syntax. please help!
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I have my doubts that you've framed this question to say exactly what you mean. Do you really want the first group to encompass just 0 through 49.99? Or do you really mean 0 up to but not including 50, and you simply expect your input to have 2 decimal places or fewer? If you want to group numbers by fifties, say, then it is very strange to write:
The number 49.995 here falls into the second group, which seems counterintuitive. Picking two decimal places as the cut-off point is arbitrary.
The '<=' operator is not the way to go here; use the '<' operator; it makes a lot more sense:
Where do values as 49.992 fall in your question? Since you said 0-49.99 and then 50-99.99 anything between 49.99 and 50 where does it go? In my example above it would be included in one of the options so it is values between 0 and 49.99, values between 49.99 and 99.99, etc, etc.