In Google App Scripts to process a list of email messages in my inbox. From the messages I need to get the from and to addresses of each message. When I use the message.getFrom() method to get the from address it returns something like this: "FirstName LastName ". But, what I want is the plain email address: "" I can't find a method on the GmailApp object, or the Message object, that would return just this information.
getFrom() returns a simple string, not an address object that can be dissected further. Am I missing something?
method should return the sender of the message in the formatSome Person <>
. If you need just the email address portion of the string, you can extract it using regular expression like this (adapted example from getFrom() method description):That regex replace the string returned by getFrom() method with the part of the string in angle brackets (the sender's email address).
After you get the GmailMessage object, you can get the email address by first getting the RFC Header named "From" using
, and then apply a certain Regular Expression to it.Like this:
That will return an email address like: