I'm having problems with Htmlunit, I disabled JavaScript and set timeout to 10000 before calling getpage, I expected an exception after timeout but htmlunit waits forever.
After some search I realized someone in 2009 had the same problem (Connection timeout not working), he was complaining about "Connection timeout not working" and about some values in timeout not working but until now in 2011 didn't get any answer.
Someone here was asking about what exception is thrown but I think it doesn't throw it always. I can't get an answer from Apache HttpClient setTimeout, either. You can see another person asking about stop in timeout in Terminate or Stop HtmlUnit.
You can see how crazy it is if you try:
milisecReqTimeout = 10;
milisecReqTimeout = milisecReqTimeout + 10;
_htmlpage = _webclient.getPage(url);
I found, with HttpUnit 1.6.2 setting these
Seemed to do the trick. Both are deprecated methods. :(