I am learning javascript and i came across a doubt. Why is the value of "this" undefined in the first example , but prints out correctly in the second.
example 1:
var myNamespace = {
myObject: {
sayHello: function() {
console.log( "name is " + this.myName );
myName: "john"
var hello = myNamespace.myObject.sayHello;
hello(); // "name is undefined"
example 2:
var myNamespace = {
myObject: {
sayHello: function() {
console.log( "Hi! My name is " + this.myName );
myName: "Rebecca"
var obj = myNamespace.myObject;
obj.sayHello();//"Hi! My name is Rebecca"
Why does the value of "this" changes within the function. What concept am i missing?
First case you are just getting the reference of the function to the vairable
, and invoking it from global context (window in browsers, global in node), Sothis
becomes what invoked the function except for (bound functions). You can always set the context explicitly using function.call or set the context explicitly to the function using Ecma5 function.bindor just bind it while getting the function reference.
Second case you are invoking it from the object itself so
points to the object.In the first case, the implicit
object is the global scope. Because there is nomyName
in the global scope, you get undefined.If you want a free function with the proper
, usebind