I am working on an iOS app, and want to determine which type of cellular connection the device has.
I'm most interested in the kind of cellular network my device is using: 2G or 3G, or other.
However, the Reachability.h only provides checking for wifi or 3G.
How can I check for 2G, 3G, etc?
You can tell EDGE from 3G with this technique: Determining 3G vs Edge
For Swift 4
Note:import CoreTelephony
The best method I have found:
Since method is checking the value of status bar, please be sure that status bar is not hidden in your application. If it is not visible, method will always return 0.
in iOS 7.0+ we have CoreTelephony framework which can provide us the required details about network type.
2G / 3G cannot be distinguished via
or any other third party libraries, as iPhone only provides network type information ( WWAN , WiFi , no Network ) to API.However, if you are able to know the IP range of 2G or 3G network, you can determine which network speed / frequency the iPhone is using.