The Git::Hooks is a Perl framework for implementing Git/Gerrit hooks. What is the procedure to install and config it to use with Gerrit?
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1) Install dependencies:
Red Hat:
2) Install Git::Hooks:
0) Be sure you have the hooks plugin installed in Gerrit.
1) Create the Gerrit hooks patchset-created and draft-published (with execution permission) in GERRIT-SITE/hooks directory, with the following content:
2) Configure the Gerrit repositories:
Any repository can be set individually but it's easier to configure all-projects project in GERRIT-SITE/git/all-projects.git/config file like in the following example (some configurations itens can be added/removed as needed):
And then include the all-projects config in all repositories by adding the folling at GERRIT-SITE/git/REPO.git/config
If needed any configuration can be changed/added at some specific repository changing the GERRIT-SITE/git/repo.git/config like in the following example (some configurations itens can be added/removed as needed):
To learn more about Git::Hooks configuration options see here.
3) Restart the Gerrit server