I am implementing a simple thread pool mechanism for my ubuntu server (for my multi-client anonymous chat program), and I need to make my worker threads sleep until a job (in the form of a function pointer and parameter) needs to be performed.
My current system is going out the window. I'm(the worker thread is) asking the manager if a job is available, and if there isn't sleep for 5ms. If there is, add the job to the working queue and run through the function. Wretched waste of cycles.
What I'd like to do is make a simple event-like system. I'm thinking about having a vector of mutexes (one for each worker) and have the handle to the mutex passed in as a parameter at creation. Then in my manager class (which holds and hands out jobs), whenever a thread is created, lock the mutex. When a job needs to be performed unlock a the next mutex in line, wait for it to be locked and unlocked, and relock it. However I'm wondering if there's a much better means to this end.
tldr; So my question is this. What is the most efficient, effective, and safest way to make a thread wait for a job from a managing class? Is polling a technique I should even consider (more than 1000 clients at a time), is mutex locking decent? Or are there other techniques?
The usual way this is implemented is to have a queue
of outstanding work, a mutexmutex
protecting the queue, and a wait conditionqueue_not_empty
. Then, each worker thread does the following (using pseudo-api):The
wait( &mutex, timeout )
call blocks until either the wait condition is signaled, or the call times out. Themutex
passed is atomically unlocked insidewait()
, and locked again before returning from the call, to provide a consistent view of the queue to all participants.timeout
would be chosen rather large (seconds), and would lead to the thread exiting (the thread pool would start new ones if more work came in).Meanwhile, the thread pool's work insertion function does this:
Since a network chat program is presumably I/O-bound rather than CPU-bound, you don't really need threads. You can handle all your I/O in a single thread using a facility such as Boost.Asio or the GLib main loop. These are portable abstractions over platform-specific functions that allow a program to block waiting for activity on any of a (potentially large) set of open files or sockets, and then wake up and respond promptly when activity occurs.
What you need is the condition variable.
All the worker threads call wait() which will suspend them.
The parent thread then puts a work item on a queue and calls signal on the condition variable. This will wake one thread that is sleeping. It can remove the job from the queue execute the job then call wait on the condition variable to go back to sleep.
The easiest way to do this is
. This is how a semaphore works:A semaphore is basically a variable that takes null/positive values. Processes can interact with it in two ways: increase, or decrease the semaphore.
Increasing the semaphore adds 1 to this magical variable, and that's about it. It's in decreasing the count that things get interesting: if the count reaches zero and a process tries to lower it again, since it can't take negative values, it will block until the variable rises.
If multiple processes block are waiting to decrease the semaphore value, only one is woken up for each unit the count is increased.
This makes very easy to create a worker/task system: your manager process queues tasks and increases the value of the semaphore to match remaining items, and your worker processes try to decrease the count and acquire a task constantly. When no tasks are available, they'll block, and consume no cpu-time. When one appears, only one of the dormant processes will awake. Insta-sync magic.
Unfortunately, at least in the Unix world, the semaphore API is not very friendly, since for some reason it deals with arrays of sempahores rather than individual ones. But, you're a simple wrapper away from a nice interface!
Classical producer-consumer synchronization with multiple consumers (the worker threads consume work requests). The well-known technique is to have a semaphore, each worker thread does
and each time you have a work request, doup()
. Than pick the request from mutex-locked workqueue. Since oneup()
will only wake up onedown()
, there will actually be minimal contention on the mutex.Alternatively you can do the same with conditional variable, doing wait in each thread and wake up one when you have job. The queue itself still locked with mutex (condvar requires one anyway).
Last I am not completely sure, but I actually think you can actually use a pipe as the queue including all synchronization (the worker threads simply trying to "read(sizeof(request))"). A bit hacky, but leads to fewer context switches.