I want to change the attributes of an SVG line, and animate the transition to the new coordinates.
I am using reactjs to change the value of y2 in this example:
<line stroke='green' x1='0' y1='50%' x2='100%' y2='25%'>
<line stroke='green' x1='0' y1='50%' x2='100%' y2='75%'>
with CSS like
.myStuff * {
transition: all 1s;
Is it possible for a CSS transition to work on the y2 attribute? Or is there a way to set the attributes of the line in CSS like:
.myStuff line {
y2: 25%;
(which I know doesn't work)
I have considered using javascript, but that adds complexity
I have considered using SMIL, but I would have to store the old and new y2 states, and I don't think reactjs allows the animate element.
I have considered using a transform on my line element, and will go down this path if I can't find a better solution. I want to avoid the math and complexity.
Using JQuery
like you see in fiddle 1But the hard part is you want to use
.In this case you have to use
See a working fiddle 2.
The tip is using some numbers in
which provides your result.