I recently made the switch to Android Studio as my default IDE for Android development. When designing my UI I normally use the palette in the design view to assist in arranging the widget on the preview screen.Recently something weird happened, It just disappeared and I can't seem to re-enable it. Normally I would see the little Palette button on the side but now its gone. When I open another project I see the palette but not show this current project I'm working on.
When I open another project in Android Studio I see the palette tab.
You must have something in the layout resource highlighted. I also had to compile without an error.
The palette can be shrunk to 0 width. This can be expanded by hovering next to the left edge of the design window, and finding the right-most expand position.
try the Design/Text tabs in the lower left of the layout window
My solution was traversing
open content_main.xml
Right click on the .xml file tab. Select "split vertically". This will open another Design that shows the palette again.
Android Studio 2.3.3, and the answer I was looking for:
Window -> Restore Default Layout (Shift+F12)