In Oracle 10g I got a problem when using DATE
type in my table. I just want my DATE
field store only DATE
without time automatically.
There's so much solution, I know it like using TO_CHAR
but I faced that I'm using so much procedures to insert or update data and have no time to update all of them.
How could I resolve this problem?
i use like this
insert :
Insert into table (name_date) values(to_date(current_date,'dd/mm/yyyy'));
update :update table set name_date=to_date(current_date,'dd/mm/yyyy') where id=1;
that's all...
The best solution would be to:
remove all times from your DATE column (
update yourtable set yourdatecolumn = trunc(yourdatecolumn)
)ensure that all future dates contain no time part by placing a check constraint on the column by using
check (yourdatecolumn = trunc(yourdatecolumn))
adjust all your INSERT and UPDATE statements or -if you're lucky- adjust your API, to only insert TRUNCed dates.
The easiest solution would be to:
(Optionally) remove all times from your DATE column.
Create a before row insert or update database trigger that sets
:new.yourdatecolumn := trunc(:new.yourdatecolumn);