In oracle, is the named timezone always stored?
I have been testing this column within our system, and in some places the timestamp is shown as:
26-FEB-09 AM +13:00
but other times it's:
26-FEB-09 AM Pacific/Auckland
If the value is being stored as the former, does that mean the actual timezone is not being stored?
I worry because if a future date is stored with only an offset we might not be able to determine the actual time in the original timezone, because you can determine a offset from a timezone, but not vice versa.
It's pretty easy to test
It stores what you tell it. If you tell it an offset, that offset could be good for one or more timezones, so why would it just pick one?
I've found that setting the TimeZone and format within ODP.NET when a connection is opened seems to solve this problem: