In Scala and Python it's:
z.put("varname", variable)
But in javascript I get (in the console)
Uncaught ReferenceError: z is not defined
What I really want to do is access a javascript variable from Scala code using z.angular("varname")
in Zeppelin, but I'm having no luck :(
In full need in one cell something like
var myVar = "hello world";
// some magic code here!
Then in another cell
This is what I have so far, I'm completely stabbing in the dark, since I'm more of a back end / data science kind of guy. So apologies in advance for my front end hopelessness.
Cell 1:
z.angularBind("myVar", "myVar")
z.angularBind("msg", "msg")
Note I have no idea what to put in the second argument.
Cell 2:
<div ng-app>
<div id="outer" ng-controller="MsgCtrl">
You are {{msg}}
<div onclick="change()">click me</div>
var myVar = "hello world";
function MsgCtrl($scope)
$scope.msg = "foo";
// also experimented with $scope.msg = myVar;
function change() {
var scope = angular.element($("#outer")).scope();
scope.msg = 'Superhero';
Cell 3:
And no matter what I do I just either get null
or the var name.
I don't see a button either or anything to "click".
In Angular interpreter. we can
Use within html content
Bind with
Use or set with ng-click or other angular directives.
And in Spark interpreter. We can
Bind with
z.angularBind("name", "Knock Data")
Unbind with
Get the value with, the variable need be bind first, otherwise it will get null.
Watch a variable with
z.angularWatch("name", (oldValue: Object, newValue: Object) => { println(s"value changed from $oldValue to $newValue" })
Beside the angular bind. The Dynamic Form is a good way to give interactive for end users
z.input("number", 1).toString.toInt
Select without default value"Day", Seq(("1", "Mon"), ("2", "Tue")))
Select with default value,"Day", "1", Seq(("1", "Mon"), ("2", "Tue")))
z.checkbox("good applications", Seq(("1", "Zeppelin"), ("2", "Highcharts"), ("3", "Spark")))
this worked for me
But I gace another issue, how to process the array... Maybe someone will answer to you and it moght help to you as well Check it here