How to use PHCachingImageManager

2020-02-05 05:21发布

I know that there is already this question on SO, but I don't think that the given answer is satisfying/complete: How can IOS Photos app can show hundreds of photos in one screen?

What I want to achieve

I want something like the image selection in whatsapp (iOS) (see screenshot). When you open the camera, there is also a horizontal slider where you can see all images from your gallery.

whatsapp screenshot

What I tried

Right now I have the following code in my appDelegate:

let options = PHFetchOptions()

options.sortDescriptors = [
    NSSortDescriptor(key: "creationDate", ascending: true)
if let results = PHAsset.fetchAssetsWithMediaType(.Image, options: options) {

    results.enumerateObjectsUsingBlock { (object, idx, _) in
        if let asset = object as? PHAsset {


    Variables.imageManager.startCachingImagesForAssets(Variables.assets, targetSize: CGSizeMake(viewWidth, viewWidth), contentMode: .AspectFill, options: self.requestOptions)

Later I load the images in a UITableViewController and call the following function on scroll:

func fetchPhotoAtIndex(index : Int) {

    let asset = Variables.assets[Variables.assets.count - 1 - index] as PHAsset

    Variables.imageManager.requestImageForAsset(asset, targetSize: CGSizeMake(self.viewWidth, self.viewWidth), contentMode: .AspectFill, options: self.requestOptions, resultHandler: { (image, _) in

        println("\(asset.localIdentifier) \(asset.creationDate) ")




This works well but I have the problem that on every app start all my assets get cached. Is this the right approach for my problem? How can I display the gallery photos in realtime like whatsapp does?

2楼-- · 2020-02-05 05:30

Refer this Photos Framework example In this project you should look into the file AAPLAssetGridViewController.m and how it handles caching based on your scroll position.

 - (void)updateCachedAssets
            BOOL isViewVisible = [self isViewLoaded] && [[self view] window] != nil;
            if (!isViewVisible) { return; }

            // The preheat window is twice the height of the visible rect
            CGRect preheatRect = self.collectionView.bounds;
            preheatRect = CGRectInset(preheatRect, 0.0f, -0.5f * CGRectGetHeight(preheatRect));

            // If scrolled by a "reasonable" amount...
            CGFloat delta = ABS(CGRectGetMidY(preheatRect) - CGRectGetMidY(self.previousPreheatRect));
            if (delta > CGRectGetHeight(self.collectionView.bounds) / 3.0f) {

                // Compute the assets to start caching and to stop caching.
                NSMutableArray *addedIndexPaths = [NSMutableArray array];
                NSMutableArray *removedIndexPaths = [NSMutableArray array];

                [self computeDifferenceBetweenRect:self.previousPreheatRect andRect:preheatRect removedHandler:^(CGRect removedRect) {
                    NSArray *indexPaths = [self.collectionView aapl_indexPathsForElementsInRect:removedRect];
                    [removedIndexPaths addObjectsFromArray:indexPaths];
                } addedHandler:^(CGRect addedRect) {
                    NSArray *indexPaths = [self.collectionView aapl_indexPathsForElementsInRect:addedRect];
                    [addedIndexPaths addObjectsFromArray:indexPaths];

                NSArray *assetsToStartCaching = [self assetsAtIndexPaths:addedIndexPaths];
                NSArray *assetsToStopCaching = [self assetsAtIndexPaths:removedIndexPaths];

                [self.imageManager startCachingImagesForAssets:assetsToStartCaching
                [self.imageManager stopCachingImagesForAssets:assetsToStopCaching

                 self.previousPreheatRect = preheatRect;
        //In your case this computeDifference method changes to handle horizontal scrolling
            - (void)computeDifferenceBetweenRect:(CGRect)oldRect andRect:(CGRect)newRect removedHandler:(void (^)(CGRect removedRect))removedHandler addedHandler:(void (^)(CGRect addedRect))addedHandler
                if (CGRectIntersectsRect(newRect, oldRect)) {
                    CGFloat oldMaxY = CGRectGetMaxY(oldRect);
                    CGFloat oldMinY = CGRectGetMinY(oldRect);
                    CGFloat newMaxY = CGRectGetMaxY(newRect);
                    CGFloat newMinY = CGRectGetMinY(newRect);
                    if (newMaxY > oldMaxY) {
                        CGRect rectToAdd = CGRectMake(newRect.origin.x, oldMaxY, newRect.size.width, (newMaxY - oldMaxY));
                    if (oldMinY > newMinY) {
                        CGRect rectToAdd = CGRectMake(newRect.origin.x, newMinY, newRect.size.width, (oldMinY - newMinY));
                    if (newMaxY < oldMaxY) {
                        CGRect rectToRemove = CGRectMake(newRect.origin.x, newMaxY, newRect.size.width, (oldMaxY - newMaxY));
                    if (oldMinY < newMinY) {
                        CGRect rectToRemove = CGRectMake(newRect.origin.x, oldMinY, newRect.size.width, (newMinY - oldMinY));
                } else {

- (NSArray *)assetsAtIndexPaths:(NSArray *)indexPaths
        if (indexPaths.count == 0) { return nil; }

        NSMutableArray *assets = [NSMutableArray arrayWithCapacity:indexPaths.count];
        for (NSIndexPath *indexPath in indexPaths) {
            PHAsset *asset = self.assetsFetchResults[indexPath.item];
            [assets addObject:asset];
        return assets;

The image caching manager heats up with your assets of the desired size and then you can retrieve them from the image caching manager itself.

Hope it helps you.

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