I'm running a Linux Ubuntu 18 OS. Installed jdk in a custom local directory.
Normally, IntelliJ recommends that you use the default gradle wrapper
. But in my case, I want to be able to change the Gradle Version on the fly whenever it's due for an update.
If you use IntelliJ with Gradle, and you bump into the following error:
Could not determine java version from '11.0.1'
If you are using the latest version of intellijIdea.
In my case, 2019.1 -version
Delete the directory idea's jdk
then RESTART idea.
for detail see this pic
Hope this is working for you !
In chinese:
(If you can't read chinese,you needn't to read this.All you need to know have typed above already)
如果你是用最新版本的intellijidea.由于intellijidea默认安装了11的java。而且就算你输入java -verison,告诉你是java8,在ide里面也配置了java 8 idea还是告诉你这个错误。
Your gradle is too old for that JDK, upgrade your gradle or downgrade you JDK
Reintalling Intellij Worked for me. You need to uninstall first before reinstall. While uninstalling, ensure to select option to delete older cache and settings
I recently upgraded my Ubantu to 18 from 16. After that I am facing this issue. Problem was during ubantu upgrade java is automatically upgraded to 11 from 8. Hence getting this error. You can simply downgrade jdk using this to solve this. Works for me.
If you use IntelliJ
Navigate to:
File >> Settings >> Build, Execution, Deployment >> Build Tools >> Gradle
Gradle JVM:
make sure you select the correct version of Java.Navigate to: Right-Click 'Project Root Directory' & Select
Open Module Settings
.Project Structure
windows shows-up. Make sure your JDK home path is added to thePlatform Settings >> SDKs : JDK home path
Still, on the same window
Project Structure
, select correct SDK relevant to your project underProject Settings >> Modules : Module SDK
Fix/Solution: Nvavigate to & open:
& update the distributionUrl version to the latest version. In my case (at the time of this post), my older version was:distributionUrl=https\://services.gradle.org/distributions/gradle-4.6-bin.zip
And my latest version is:
As shown below:
In your build.gradle file make sure you set:
sourceCompatibility = 11
MODIFY default Boot JDK
RESTART intellij idea
IGNORE this popup at right-bottom on IDE
HOPE this solution is work for you .