I figured I should post this question, even if I have already found a solution, as a Java implementation was not readily available when I searched for it.
Using HSV instead of RGB allows the generation of colors with the same saturation and brightness (something I wanted).
Google App Engine does not allow use of java.awt.Color, so doing the following to convert between HSV and RGB is not an option:
Color c = Color.getHSBColor(hue, saturation, value);
String rgb = Integer.toHexString(c.getRGB());
Edit: I moved my answer as described in the comment by Nick Johnson.
Ex animo, - Alexander.
You should use the HSBtoRGB implementation provided by Oracle, copying its source code into your project. java.awt.Color is open-source. The algorithms provided by Peter Recore and Yngling are not robust and will return illegal RGB values like "256,256,0" for certain inputs. Oracle's implementation is robust, use it instead.