I've just installed Magento Community Edition ver (default settings).
System -> Configuration -> Sales -> Checkout -> Checkout Options
Enable Onepage Checkout: Yes
Allow Guest Checkout: Yes
I'm trying to add a product to the cart using query string method.
According to all resources I've found, these are correct ways to do it:
but they're not working... the cart remains empty.
After quite some time, I found the working solution:
However, I'd like not to put form_key parameter in the url.
This security feature is not needed in my case.
For example product comparison works fine without the form_key:
The idea is to put a static link on some other websites (so dynamically generated form_key is not known), so if a customer clicks on it he is redirected to the store with a filled cart straight away.
Is it possible to get rid of form_key parameter and still be able to add a product to the cart? And if so, then how?
This works best for me in Magento C 1.8
This is how I am doing it in Magento 1.8.1
<a href="<?= $this->getAddtoCartUrl($_product, array('qty' => $_price['price_qty'])) ?>">
See http://docs.magentocommerce.com/Mage_Catalog/Mage_Catalog_Block_Product_Abstract.html#getAddToCartUrl
The following can be used with qty set:
What I did is to override the Magento
with a custom module. I created a file inside: \app\code\local\Namespace\AddProductFromUrl\controllers\Checkout\CartController.php(The module need to have config.xml and enabled under
as for every magento custom module. ChangeNamespace
with the one you use.)That works perfectly just like magento 1.7 and with minimal impact; the
is generated if missing and that's it.This step is not very complicated! Hope this help.
What I actually did in the end was compare the new changes with the old code and I discovered the add to cart button was set to type="button" and was not submitting.
Changing the button to simply type="submit" and no other changes actually made it work this is in [theme]/template/catalog/product/view/addtocart
may have to move from base folder if non-existent