I have code that searches for all users in a department:
string Department = "Billing";
DirectorySearcher LdapSearcher = new DirectorySearcher();
LdapSearcher.Filter = string.Format("(&(objectClass=user)(department={0}))", Department);
SearchResultCollection src = LdapSearcher.FindAll();
What would the filter need to look like if I only wanted everyone in the "Manager Read Only" AD Group?
Am I going about this all wrong?
Looking at your search I have a couple of points for you. First, the search uses objectClass (non-indexed) instead of objectCategory (indexed). Huge performance issue with that query. You would most always want to combine the two together depending on what you are trying to retrieve:
As for looking up the users in a group you can enumerate the list of member objects of the specific group. In the member attribute of the group object is the distinguishedName of each user.
This article describes enumerating members of a group...
Don't forget that you may have to handle nested groups of the parent group, as there isn't a default way to handle this with LDAP queries. For that you may need to evaluate if the member object is a group and then get the member attribute for that child group.
Lastly, you should get in the habit of specifying a dns prefix to your query.
Without DNS prefix:
With DNS prefix (all three work):
A single domain won't cause you much issue but when you try and run a search in a multiple domain environment you will get bitten without this addition. Hope this helps move you closer to your goal.
If you know the AD path to the group already it would probably be easier to open a DirectoryEntry on that, then do a DirectorySearcher from there.
There is also a flag on the Searcher for whether to drill down to sub containers, I forget the name off hand.
I've always found Howto: (Almost) Everything In Active Directory via C# helps for most AD questions.
I use following code (from http://blogs.technet.com/b/brad_rutkowski/archive/2008/04/15/c-getting-members-of-a-group-the-easy-way-with-net-3-5-discussion-groups-nested-recursive-security-groups-etc.aspx) it works fine.