When running the below code, I keep getting the error:
ImportError: No module named 'email.mime'; email is not a package
So I run:
pip install email
And get the following error:
ImportError: No module named 'cStringIO'...
Command "python setup.py egg_info" failed with error code 1
The internet has told me to run:
pip install --upgrade pip
To solve this problem, which I've done many times now. I don't know what else I can do.
Python version: Python 3.3.5 | Anaconda 2.3.0 (x86_64)
import smtplib,email,email.encoders,email.mime.text,email.mime.base
smtpserver = 'email@site.com'
to = ['address@gmail.com']
fromAddr = 'email@site.com'
subject = "testing email attachments"
# create html email
html = '<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" '
html +='"http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd"><html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">'
html +='<body style="font-size:12px;font-family:Verdana"><p>...</p>'
html += "</body></html>"
emailMsg = email.MIMEMultipart.MIMEMultipart('text/csv')
emailMsg['Subject'] = subject
emailMsg['From'] = fromAddr
emailMsg['To'] = ', '.join(to)
emailMsg['Cc'] = ", ".join(cc)
# now attach the file
fileMsg = email.mime.base.MIMEBase('text/csv')
# send email
server = smtplib.SMTP(smtpserver)
The issue is in pip. I was unable to update setuptools using
I was also unable to install email with pip using
I fixed the problem by installing email using easy_install
Hope someone finds that as helpful. Thanks to those who have helped.
I had the same problem. Both answers helped me solve it. However, in addition I also had to delete the email.pyc file that was created when the script was run with the old name email.py.
To summarize:
Don't use "email" in your .py file name or even in package name as well. This will cause confusion to the interpreter between user declared module and pre-defined modules
I encountered the same problem just now. Finally, I found it's because I name the python file as 'email.py'. It works after changing its name.