I've integrated LocalAuthentication for my app security purpose, which has been supporting 'Touch Id' based supporting. But now, apple has recently added 'Face Id' based authentication also.
How can I check, which type of authentication is supported by a device. Touch Id or Face Id?
I've been struggling to get this to work and found that I needed to use a single instance of the LAContext and needed to call the LAContextInstance.canEvaluatePolicy(.deviceOwnerAuthenticationWithBiometrics, error: nil) before getting the biometryType. Here is my final code with support for older iOS versions:
This code builds without warnings on Xcode
(see comments for9.1
):Here is one more way via the property (for example, on your access instance).
As I am a big fan of extension. I phrase this answer a little differently. Essense is the same. This is a drop-in extension.
Use like this:
Here is my "helper class", it includes passcode also
With Xcode 9, Look at LocalAuthentication -> LAContext -> LABiometryType.
LABiometryType is a enum with values as in attached image
You can check which authentication type supported by device between Touch ID and FaceID or none.
Apple have updated values for this enum LABiometryType. none is deprecated now.