I am new to Solr, after installing it in ubuntu 8.10, when I was trying exampledocs to index , as per this link, I got this error:
HTTP ERROR: 404 missing core name in path
This is in Jetty.
What shall I do, in order to solve this?
I am new to Solr, after installing it in ubuntu 8.10, when I was trying exampledocs to index , as per this link, I got this error:
HTTP ERROR: 404 missing core name in path
This is in Jetty.
What shall I do, in order to solve this?
I'm not use SolrCores, but:
After installing new solr version, I got error "HTTP ERROR: 404 missing core name in path" And
was empty. (If you don't use solrCore, 1 entry is here normally)I must stop tomcat, delete his localfiles, and start again
For me the problem was deeper, as I had not set up Solr correctly to begin with.
I followed the instructions here: http://wiki.apache.org/solr/SolrInstall
Basically, apart from just unzipping the
war file to the webapps directory, you need to create a solr home directory (for which you can copy example/solr in the distribution you downloaded).Then, as per happy-coding's suggestion, you can configure the web.xml file to point to this directory. Restart (if necessary), and voila!
In my case, it was happening due to a previous installation of Solr. So I had to delete my old core directory:
then recreate the directory with correct permissions:
If you just browse to http://localhost:8983/solr/ you will see all cores listed (at least that did it for me).
My problem was in Tomcat Installed Dir\conf\Catalina\localhost\solr.xml
The cores folder path was wrong for me, as I moved the workspace from one machine to another.
You probably have a multi-core setup and haven't included the core in the URL. e.g. instead of requesting
you have to requesthttp://localhost:8983/solr/MyCoreName/select/?q=*%3A*