How to disable WebStorm semicolon check in Node.js?
I have tried the following method but they do not work:
- Checked out the option
use semicolon to terminate statement
- Changed JavaScript version to ecma6
How to disable WebStorm semicolon check in Node.js?
I have tried the following method but they do not work:
use semicolon to terminate statement
Webstorm->Preferences->Editor->Code Style->JavaScript Use semicolon to terminate spaces
works fine for me. Maybe double check what Code Style scheme you are setting that for. Sometimes I have changed code style settings, but for a different scheme than the one being applied to the project in question.Cmd(Ctrl) + Shift + A → Unterminated statement → OFF
Settings/Preferences | Editor | Inspections
JavaScript | Code style issues | Unterminated statement
-- disable this inspectionYou can also reach the same inspection by:
P.S. JSLinh/JSHint and alike may also produce such warnings if you are using these tools.
As for the actual code generated by IDE (e.g. when using
Code | Reformat...
or using code completion popup/functionality) -- such option is available atSettings/Preferences | Editor | Code Style | JavaScript
(similar path for TypeScript)Punctuation
tabIn Preferences -> Editor -> Code Style -> JavaScript, click the
tab on the right hand side pane.Set
Don't use
semicolon to terminate statementsalways
This would allow you to check for unterminated statements while not flagging up the missing semicolons.
In Webstorm 2017 its here, you just need to change "use" to "don't use" instead.