In our code we are using getPhoto method that looks like this:
public void getPhoto(View view) {
Intent intent = new Intent(MediaStore.ACTION_IMAGE_CAPTURE);
captureFile = new File(getCaptureFilePath());
captureUri = Uri.fromFile(captureFile);
intent.putExtra(MediaStore.EXTRA_OUTPUT, captureUri);
startActivityForResult(intent, CAPTURE_IMAGE);
And onActivityResult:
protected void onActivityResult(int requestCode, int resultCode, Intent data) {
Log.w(TAG, "Came");
if (resultCode == RESULT_OK) {
if (requestCode == CAPTURE_IMAGE) {
try {
captureFile = new File(getCaptureFilePath());
captureUri = Uri.fromFile(captureFile);
Bitmap scaledBitmap = decodeFileAndResize(captureFile);
Bitmap rotatedBitmap = convertToRotatedBitmap(scaledBitmap);
Log.w(TAG, "Before recycle");
if (rotatedBitmap != scaledBitmap) {
scaledBitmap = null;
Log.w(TAG, "After recycle");
} catch (IOException e) {
BugSenseHandler.log(TAG, e);
Sometimes, when I'm pressing 'Ok', onActivityResult
is not called (Came
not wrote). What is wrong in my code?
EDIT: 12-04 12:43:36.040: INFO/WindowManager(145): WIN DEATH: Window{40839990 com.skalar/com.skalar.activities.RegisterActivity paused=false}
appears in code when onActivityResult
not called.
Do not put android:noHistory="true" tag in manifest if you use android:noHistory="true" in your activity inside manifest , it will remove from stack after on stop .
Note : if you are using tab activity then also you should not use android:noHistory="true" or else simply put android:noHistory="false" in activity inside manifest .
may be my explanation is wrong but I got solution .
Is it possible that your activity is getting killed and that is the reason on onActivityResult is not getting executed? When the camera Intent returns, normally onActivityResult followed by onResume will be executed. Put a log statement in your onPause and onResume methods and check the sequence of execution.
according to :!topic/android-developers/aihsOU8uAzU
So the problem is
you can solve the problem by setting captureFile the returned value of this method: