I'm not too inexperienced with ReWrite (not a master either, though) so I was hoping somone might be able to help me.
RewriteRule ^$ index.php?page=home [NC]
RewriteRule ^adm$ index.php?page=adm_home [NC]
RewriteRule ^adm/stats index.php?page=adm_stats [NC]
Above is a snippet of my .htaccess file. As you can see, when someone visits http://www.example.com/adirectory/ it actually calls on index.php?page=home, similarly if someone goes to http://www.example.com/adirectory/adm/ it will still call index.php?page=adm_home within the "adirectory".
What I'm wanting to achieve is this: I want to be able to display alerts on my pages, and to do this I want to simply be able to add alert=n (where n is a number) and thus have the redirect as index.php?page=home&alert=n
However, I can't understand how this can be done, regex is confusing me. Seeking your help.
You can set the QSA flag to automatically append the originally requested query string to the new one: