I see in jQuery UI accordian you can use the space bar to toggle active headers. How can one disable this? I don't want the user to use keyboard to interact with the accordion.
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I found a working solution, but I'm not sure of the consequences.
In jquery.ui.accordion.js:
Notice the "fall through" from space to enter. I added a break:
You still get the closing behavior on pressing "enter", so feel free to break there if necessary as well. I think the problem is in
but I didn't see it on my first read through. This edit works for me.
Hope that helps
if you don't need the "_keydown" function at all, I guess you can just delete it.
if you want to change or override the functionality of the "_keydown" function and don't want to hack it into the original file you could do:
hope that helps
I developed an answer to just enabling the spacebar, but it could be expanded for other keydown events you want to override.