What is the maximum memory limits per application for Android 2.2?
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It depends on the particular device, usually ranges between 16 and 48 MB.
Just a footnote(I don't currently have the enough reputation to add comment). @WinOrWin obviously the thread you are referring to is talking about "storage space"(although colloquially people might refer to it as "internal/external memory") while this thread talks about "memory", RAM. They are not the same thing. (eg. The basic difference between harddrive space and memory).
The lower limit for a low density / small screen, and medium density / normal screen device is 16 MB. The lower limit for a high density / normal screen device is 24 MB. Individual device manufactures can and do raise this limit for their device, depending on how much RAM the device has (and how many megapixels the camera is etc), but if you stay within those lower limits you should be good on all devices.