Cannot convert method group 'ToList' to no

2020-02-01 05:23发布

I'm trying to write a method that generates multiple invoices. This is for a college, where clients are enrolled with tutors in a class called Enrollments. With this method, I am trying to accumulate the monthly fee of the tutors clients multiplied by their commission percentages, as tutors earn a certain commission on the lessons they give. Here is my code for this:

    public ActionResult CreateBulkCommissions()
        var month = DateTime.Now.ToString("MMMM");

        var enrolments = db.Enrollments.ToList();

        var newCommissions = from enrolment in enrolments
                             select new TutorCommission()
                                 CommissionAmount = enrolment.MonthlyFee,
                                 CommissionMonth = month,  // string constant 
                                 CommissionStatus = "Unpaid",
                                 Tutor = new Tutor { TutorNoID = enrolment.Tutor.TutorNoID, TutorCommissionPercentage = enrolment.Tutor.TutorCommissionPercentage }
        foreach (var newCommission in newCommissions)
            List<TutorCommission> TutorComs = newCommissions.GroupBy(g => g.Tutor).Select(s => new TutorCommission
                CommissionAmount = s.Sum(u => u.CommissionAmount) * s.Key.TutorCommissionPercentage,
                TutorNoID = s.Key.TutorNoID



        return RedirectToAction("Index");

On the ToList line, I am receive the error that it convert convert the method group ToList to a non-delegate type. Here are my relevant model classes:

public class Enrollment
    [Display(Name = "Enrollment ID Number")]
    public long EnrollmentIDNumber { get; set; }
    [Display(Name = "Client ID Number")]
    public long ClientNumberID { get; set; }
    [Display(Name = "Tutor ID Number")]
    public long TutorNoID { get; set; }
    [Display(Name = "Course Name")]
    public string CourseName { get; set; }
    [Display(Name = "Lesson Time")]
    public string LessonTime { get; set; }
    [Display(Name = "Lesson Day")]
    public string LessonDay { get; set; }
    [Display(Name = "Lesson Location")]
    public string LessonLocation { get; set; }
    [Display(Name = "Lesson Type")]
    public string LessonType { get; set; }
    [Display(Name = "Lesson Level")]
    public string LessonLevel { get; set; }
    [Display(Name = "Monthly Fee")]
    public long MonthlyFee { get; set; }

    public virtual Client Client { get; set; }
    public virtual Tutor Tutor { get; set; }


public class TutorCommission
    [Display(Name = "Commission ID")]
    public long CommissionID { get; set; }
    [Display(Name = "Commission Month")]
    public string CommissionMonth {get; set;}
    [Display(Name = "Commission Amount")]
    public double CommissionAmount { get; set; }
    [Display(Name = "Commission Status")]
    public string CommissionStatus { get; set; }
    [Display(Name = "Tutor ID Number")]
    public long TutorNoID { get; set; }

    public virtual Tutor Tutor { get; set; }
    public virtual ICollection<CommissionPayments> CommissionPayments { get; set; }


public class Tutor
    [Display(Name = "Tutor ID Number")]
    public long TutorNoID { get; set; }
    [StringLength(50, ErrorMessage="First name must be less than 50 characters")]
    [Display(Name = "First Name")]
    public string TutorFirstName { get; set; }
    [StringLength(50, ErrorMessage = "Last name must be less than 50 characters")]
    [Display(Name = "Last Name")]
    public string TutorLastName { get; set; }
    [DisplayFormat(DataFormatString = "{0:d}", ApplyFormatInEditMode = true)]
    [Display(Name = "Birth Date")]
    public DateTime? TutorBirthDate { get; set; }
    [Display(Name = "Cellphone Number")]
    public string TutorCellphoneNumber { get; set; }
    [Display(Name = "Home Number")]
    public string TutorHomeNumber { get; set; }
    [RegularExpression("^[a-z0-9_\\+-]+(\\.[a-z0-9_\\+-]+)*@[a-z0-9-]+(\\.[a-z0-9-]+)*\\.([a-z]{2,4})$", ErrorMessage = "Not a valid email address")]
    [Display(Name = "Email Address")]
    public string TutorEmailAddress { get; set; }
    [Display(Name = "Street Address")]
    public string TutorStreetAddress { get; set; }
    [Display(Name = "Suburb")]
    public string TutorSuburb { get; set; }
    [Display(Name = "City")]
    public string TutorCity { get; set; }
    [Display(Name = "Postal Code")]
    public string TutorPostalCode { get; set; }
    [Display(Name="Full Name")]
    public string FullName
            return TutorFirstName + " " + TutorLastName;
    [Display(Name="Commission Percentage")]
    public double TutorCommissionPercentage { get; set; }

    public virtual ICollection<Enrollment> Enrollments { get; set; }
    public virtual ICollection<TutorCommission> TutorCommissions { get; set; }


Thanks, Amy

2楼-- · 2020-02-01 05:43

ToList is method not a property. Should be ToList()

3楼-- · 2020-02-01 05:46

Did you mean:

    List<TutorCommission> TutorComs = newCommissions.GroupBy(g => g.Tutor).Select(s => new TutorCommission()
        CommissionAmount = s.Sum(u => u.CommissionAmount) * s.Key.TutorCommissionPercentage,
        TutorNoID = s.Key.TutorNoID

4楼-- · 2020-02-01 05:47
protected void Button3_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
        SqlDataReader dr = null;
        SqlConnection con = new SqlConnection("Data Source=.;Initial Catalog=shoping;User ID=sa;Password=yamini");
        SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand("Select email from usertd where @email='" + TextBox1.Text + "' ", con);
        cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@email", TextBox1.Text);
        dr = cmd.ExecuteReader;
        if (dr != null && dr.HasRows)
            TextBox2.Text = "abc";
            TextBox2.Text = "hdc";

The star\"
5楼-- · 2020-02-01 05:58

You should be calling ToList () not ToList.

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