I've got this table :
table name : Account
Fields : id (varchar), name(varchar), other fields...
I want to query this table with hibernate mechanism (to use the second cache level). The result of the hibernate query must be a hash map where the key is the field id and where the value is the field name.
How can I write it with HQL ?
If I use map, I can only use alias and if I use a constructor with an object, I must transform result to hashmap which is time consuming.
Example :
Id | name | other fields
1 Jerome ...
2 Steve ...
3 Nick ...
the result of the query must be a hashmap :
I think the closest you can get is to use this query:
which'll give you a result set of two length arrays. You'll have to build the map manually, like so:
Note that this will largely ignore the second level cache and get translated into a SQL query.
Default entity mode of Hibernate is EntityMode.POJO.
you can use EntityMode.MAP entity mode for retrieving the query output in Map format.
This question is old but this might still help other people. You can now use HQL to return maps with hibernate. Use something like this:
From hibernate docs: http://docs.jboss.org/hibernate/orm/3.3/reference/en/html/queryhql.html#queryhql-select
intead of using default entity name you can applied the entity-name to hbm.xml file.
for Example
using this, hibernate give the key/value pair that means return the map.
Below code might help you.
To display the results as objects does work:
Edit : You can use that results objects as map and you'r done.
Assuming for the moment that Account doesn't have any non-lazy associations that would be loaded, the following is just the best you're going to get, performance-wise:
This may be "time consuming" but it's not like Hibernate can somehow magically avoid the step of putting each returned row into a map.
Unlike the other answer, this should benefit from the second-level cache.