i need to implement the following scenario using Quartz.NET:
Recur every n week(s) on:
Sunday and/or Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday...
So for example i might select: monday and thursday, and recur every 2 weeks, is this possible?
I figure it out that the way to go might be using Cron Expressions, but i haven't had luck so far with the "Recur Every X Weeks"
Is running Quartz.Net 2.0 and option for you? It has not been officially released yet, but in it there is a new trigger type that solves your problem. It's called the calendar interval trigger. Basically you define it just as you described in your question. You set the interval to 2 and the interval unit to weeks, and it fires every 2 weeks. I've written a post describing it here. You can access the source code documentation here.
This is the solution that i used...
When there is no recurence i use a cron trigger and select the days and make it run every week
E.G. 0 0 * * 1,2,3
when there is recurence for each selected day i add a SimpleTrigger, bassically the start date is the day of the week, and then i calculate the recurrence by multiplying the recurence for 7
So i will end up wit one simpletrigger for each day.
I hope this helps someone else!
Unfortunately Quartz.Net 2 is unreleased, undocumented, and introduces breaking changes.
Like Aureliano and Bongo say, a combination of triggers might help but I do not quite understand their respective solutions.
My solution is to wrap a CronTrigger and skip the unwanted events :
It is a complext trigger, you can manage by 3 triggers;
first trigger will create 3. second trigger will remove 3.
Good luck.