I developed a MATLAB function, and I'm looking for a way to call that function from another C# application and pass some parameters to it and get the results in the C# program.
I heard that I can use Dynamic Data Exchange (DDE) or COM objects, but have can I do it?
There is nice example in the MATLAB Central.
It shows three ways on how to communicate with MATLAB:
COM (I do not have any experience with it)
Cons: MATLAB is required to be installed on the target computer.
MATLAB .NET builder compiles your MATLAB code to the .NET assembly and you can use it directly.
Pros: MATLAB is not required to be installed on the target computer
Cons: It's expensive
MATLAB compiler compiles your MATLAB code into a C/C++ library or EXE file. You can use it through P/Invoke.
Pros: MATLAB is not required to be installed on the target computer
Cons: It's expensive, a lot of P/Invoke.
There is a great example on this site on setting up everything. You can use MATLAB .NET deployment tool.
You need to
The advantage of this method is that the target machine does not require MATLAB to be installed, but on the downside the execution is quite expensive.
There is a third option: delegates. Starting MATLAB -> load .NET assembly -> execute .NET function with delegate handle to a MATLAB function.