I want to create a invisible form anywhere into a HTML page dynamically using JavaScript and then submit automatically.
I want to create the form given below:
<form name='myForm' method='post' action='http://www.another_page.com/index.htm'>
<input type='text' name='myInput' value='Values of my input'>
<input type='hidden1' value='Hidden value 1'>
<input type='hidden2' value='Hidden value 2'>
I tried using the JavaScript below:
my_tb.value='Values of my Input';
But not working? How can I do that? Please help.
This will create a form and which has a child element product ("Input type") you have to append child element to parent element like product to form and form to DOM root elemnt body and document and you can add atribut of the form as action and method this will do your thing.
You also can do the Saurabh Chauhan response but without add the dinamic element to body This solution is all dinamic solution.
You could try the simple approach of using:
inside the body somewhere. Then, to submit the form, add:
This prevents mistakes when creating the DOM programmatically.
You're adding the form element as a child of the text box.
Should be
Also, I don't see where you're trying to create the hidden elements, but it's the same thing as adding a text box.
Another problem - trying to reference the form as document.xxx means that xxx is the name of the form. But anyway, try