I'm trying to use guzzle 6 which works fine but I'm lost when it comes to how to log all the api calls. I would like to simply log timing, logged in user from session, url and any other usual pertinent info that has to do with the API call. I can't seem to find any documentation for Guzzle 6 that refers to this, only guzzle 3 (Where they've changed the logging addSubscriber call). This is how my current API calls are:
$client = new GuzzleHttp\Client(['defaults' => ['verify' => false]]);
$res = $client->get($this->url . '/api/details', ['form_params' => ['file' => $file_id]]);
You can use any logger which implements PSR-3 interface with Guzzle 6
I used Monolog as logger and builtin middleware of Guzzle with MessageFormatter in below example.
The details about the log middleware and message formatter has not well documented yet. But you can check the list which variables you can use in MessageFormatter
Also there is a guzzle-logmiddleware which allows you to customize formatter etc.
@KingKongFrog This is the way to specify the name of the log file