I would like to know what would be the correct way to get Firebase token for sending push notification now that getToken() is deprecated.
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FirebaseInstanceIdService was deprecated .!
just override
This is also deprecated.!if you need to get token in your activity use the below code.
As documentation says :
getInstanceId() will return a Task with and InstanceIdResult. Like this:
UPDATE: Though is true that this approach will literally replace the use of FirebaseInstanceId.getInstanceId().getToken(), it does not solve the fact that FirebaseInstanceIdService is also deprecated leaving us with another question that is: where to use it? It can be used in any Activity context that it will always return the token. But what if we want to get the token only on creation and when it is rarely updated? For that you should override new method onNewToken from our old FirebaseMessagingService implementation: (Yes, "Messaging", not "InstanceId")
This way code will remain leaner and wont even be necessary to use the first approach.