Meteor is great but it lacks native supports for traditional file uploading. There are several options to handle file uploading:
From the client, data can be sent using:
-'saveFile',data) or collection.insert({file:data})
- 'POST' form or'POST')
In the server, the file can be saved to:
- a mongodb file collection by collection.insert({file:data})
- file system in /path/to/dir
- mongodb GridFS
What are the pros and cons for these methods and how best to implement them? I am aware that there are also other options such as saving to a third party site and obtain an url.
Hi just to add on to Option1 regarding viewing of the file. I did it without ejson.
You can achieve file uploading with Meteor without using any more packages or a third party
Option 1: DDP, saving file to a mongo collection
First, the file is grabbed from the input using HTML5 File API. A reader is created using new FileReader. The file is read as readAsArrayBuffer. This arraybuffer, if you console.log, returns {} and DDP can't send this over the wire, so it has to be converted to Uint8Array.
When you put this in, Meteor automatically runs EJSON.stringify(Uint8Array) and sends it with DDP. You can check the data in chrome console websocket traffic, you will see a string resembling base64
On the server side, Meteor call EJSON.parse() and converts it back to buffer
Option 2: XHR, post from client to file system
The file in the client is grabbed, an XHR object is created and the file is sent via 'POST' to the server.
On the server, the data is piped into an underlying file system. You can additionally determine the filename, perform sanitisation or check if it exists already etc before saving.
Option 3: XHR, save to GridFS
The client script is the same as in option 2.
According to Meteor 1.0.x mongo_driver.js last line, a global object called MongoInternals is exposed, you can call defaultRemoteCollectionDriver() to return the current database db object which is required for the GridStore. In version A, the GridStore is also exposed by the MongoInternals. The mongo used by current meteor is v1.4.x
Then inside a route, you can create a new write object by calling var file = new GridStore(...) (API). You then open the file and create a stream.
I also included a version B. In this version, the GridStore is called using a new mongodb drive via Npm.require('mongodb'), this mongo is the latest v2.0.13 as of this writing. The new API doesn't require you to open the file, you can call stream(true) directly and start piping
Benchmark You can see in option 2 and option 3, I included var start = and when writing end, I console.log out the time in ms, below is the result. Dual Core, 4 GB ram, HDD, ubuntu 14.04 based.
You can see that FS is much faster than GridFS. For a file of 200 MB, it takes ~80 sec using GridFS but only ~ 1 sec in FS. I haven't tried SSD, the result may be different. However, in real life, the bandwidth may dictate how fast the file is streamed from client to server, achieving 200 MB/sec transfer speed is not typical. On the other hand, a transfer speed ~2 MB/sec (GridFS) is more the norm.
By no mean this is comprehensive, but you can decide which option is best for your need.
Hopefully soon, meteor DDP can support gzip, caching etc and GridFS can be faster...