I have the following graph as a Neo4j graph database:
(80 °F)
| \__ _/->^
| \__ activates __/ |
| \__(50 °F) __/ |
| \__ __/ |
| \__ __/ |
activates | \__ __/ |
(50 °F) | \/ | activates
| __/\__ | (50 °F)
| activates __/ \__ |
| (60 °F)__/ \__ |
| __/ \__ |
| __/ \__ |
| __/ \_ |
v / \->|
(50 °F)
Each relationship has a property denoting the required temperature for the 'activates' action.
I need to retrieve all the available paths between (A) and (D) WHERE the temperature is 50 °F along the path.
The output should include:
A -[:activates{temperature:'50'}]-> B -[:activates{temperature:'50'}]-> C -[:activates{temperature:'50'}]-> D
A -[:activates{temperature:'50'}]-> C -[:activates{temperature:'50'}]-> D
but not
A -[:activates{temperature:'80'}]-> D
A -[:activates{temperature:'50'}]-> B -[:activates{temperature:'60'}]-> D
How do I write the required Cypher query?
Thanks in advance.
Edit 1: I added another diagonal relationship (B -[:activates{temperature:'80'}]-> D) for more clarity.
Edit 2: I need to retrieve all the available paths between (A) and (D) WHERE the temperature is the same along the path, i.e: A -> B -> C -> D, A -> C -> D, A -> D.
substitute the values in the curved brackets (A,D) with their node IDs
update: using function all