Shortest distance between two line segments

2019-01-14 08:21发布

I need a function to find the shortest distance between two line segments. A line segment is defined by two endpoints. So for example one of my line segments (AB) would be defined by the two points A (x1,y1) and B (x2,y2) and the other (CD) would be defined by the two points C (x1,y1) and D (x2,y2).

Feel free to write the solution in any language you want and I can translate it into javascript. Please keep in mind my geometry skills are pretty rusty. I have already seen here and I am not sure how to translate this into a function. Thank you so much for help.

Fickle 薄情
2楼-- · 2019-01-14 08:29

Taken from this example, which also comes with a simple explanation of why it works as well as VB code (that does more than you need, so I've simplified as I translated to Python -- note: I have translated, but not tested, so a typo might have slipped by...):

def segments_distance(x11, y11, x12, y12, x21, y21, x22, y22):
  """ distance between two segments in the plane:
      one segment is (x11, y11) to (x12, y12)
      the other is   (x21, y21) to (x22, y22)
  if segments_intersect(x11, y11, x12, y12, x21, y21, x22, y22): return 0
  # try each of the 4 vertices w/the other segment
  distances = []
  distances.append(point_segment_distance(x11, y11, x21, y21, x22, y22))
  distances.append(point_segment_distance(x12, y12, x21, y21, x22, y22))
  distances.append(point_segment_distance(x21, y21, x11, y11, x12, y12))
  distances.append(point_segment_distance(x22, y22, x11, y11, x12, y12))
  return min(distances)

def segments_intersect(x11, y11, x12, y12, x21, y21, x22, y22):
  """ whether two segments in the plane intersect:
      one segment is (x11, y11) to (x12, y12)
      the other is   (x21, y21) to (x22, y22)
  dx1 = x12 - x11
  dy1 = y12 - y11
  dx2 = x22 - x21
  dy2 = y22 - y21
  delta = dx2 * dy1 - dy2 * dx1
  if delta == 0: return False  # parallel segments
  s = (dx1 * (y21 - y11) + dy1 * (x11 - x21)) / delta
  t = (dx2 * (y11 - y21) + dy2 * (x21 - x11)) / (-delta)
  return (0 <= s <= 1) and (0 <= t <= 1)

import math
def point_segment_distance(px, py, x1, y1, x2, y2):
  dx = x2 - x1
  dy = y2 - y1
  if dx == dy == 0:  # the segment's just a point
    return math.hypot(px - x1, py - y1)

  # Calculate the t that minimizes the distance.
  t = ((px - x1) * dx + (py - y1) * dy) / (dx * dx + dy * dy)

  # See if this represents one of the segment's
  # end points or a point in the middle.
  if t < 0:
    dx = px - x1
    dy = py - y1
  elif t > 1:
    dx = px - x2
    dy = py - y2
    near_x = x1 + t * dx
    near_y = y1 + t * dy
    dx = px - near_x
    dy = py - near_y

  return math.hypot(dx, dy)
3楼-- · 2019-01-14 08:29

My solution is a translation of Fnord solution. I do in javascript and C.

In Javascript. You need to include mathjs.

var closestDistanceBetweenLines = function(a0, a1, b0, b1, clampAll, clampA0, clampA1, clampB0, clampB1){
    //Given two lines defined by numpy.array pairs (a0,a1,b0,b1)
    //Return distance, the two closest points, and their average

    clampA0 = clampA0 || false;
    clampA1 = clampA1 || false;
    clampB0 = clampB0 || false;
    clampB1 = clampB1 || false;
    clampAll = clampAll || false;

        clampA0 = true;
        clampA1 = true;
        clampB0 = true;
        clampB1 = true;

    //Calculate denomitator
    var A = math.subtract(a1, a0);
    var B = math.subtract(b1, b0);
    var _A = math.divide(A, math.norm(A))
    var _B = math.divide(B, math.norm(B))
    var cross = math.cross(_A, _B);
    var denom = math.pow(math.norm(cross), 2);

    //If denominator is 0, lines are parallel: Calculate distance with a projection and evaluate clamp edge cases
    if (denom == 0){
        var d0 =, math.subtract(b0, a0));
        var d = math.norm(math.subtract(math.add(math.multiply(d0, _A), a0), b0));

        //If clamping: the only time we'll get closest points will be when lines don't overlap at all. Find if segments overlap using dot products.
        if(clampA0 || clampA1 || clampB0 || clampB1){
            var d1 =, math.subtract(b1, a0));

            //Is segment B before A?
            if(d0 <= 0 && 0 >= d1){
                if(clampA0 == true && clampB1 == true){
                    if(math.absolute(d0) < math.absolute(d1)){
                        return [b0, a0, math.norm(math.subtract(b0, a0))];                       
                    return [b1, a0, math.norm(math.subtract(b1, a0))];
            //Is segment B after A?
            else if(d0 >= math.norm(A) && math.norm(A) <= d1){
                if(clampA1 == true && clampB0 == true){
                    if(math.absolute(d0) < math.absolute(d1)){
                        return [b0, a1, math.norm(math.subtract(b0, a1))];
                    return [b1, a1, math.norm(math.subtract(b1,a1))];


        //If clamping is off, or segments overlapped, we have infinite results, just return position.
        return [null, null, d];

    //Lines criss-cross: Calculate the dereminent and return points
    var t = math.subtract(b0, a0);
    var det0 = math.det([t, _B, cross]);
    var det1 = math.det([t, _A, cross]);

    var t0 = math.divide(det0, denom);
    var t1 = math.divide(det1, denom);

    var pA = math.add(a0, math.multiply(_A, t0));
    var pB = math.add(b0, math.multiply(_B, t1));

    //Clamp results to line segments if needed
    if(clampA0 || clampA1 || clampB0 || clampB1){

        if(t0 < 0 && clampA0)
            pA = a0;
        else if(t0 > math.norm(A) && clampA1)
            pA = a1;

        if(t1 < 0 && clampB0)
            pB = b0;
        else if(t1 > math.norm(B) && clampB1)
            pB = b1;


    var d = math.norm(math.subtract(pA, pB))

    return [pA, pB, d];
var a1=[13.43, 21.77, 46.81];
var a0=[27.83, 31.74, -26.60];
var b0=[77.54, 7.53, 6.22];
var b1=[26.99, 12.39, 11.18];

In pure C

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <math.h>

double determinante3(double* a, double* v1, double* v2){
    return a[0] * (v1[1] * v2[2] - v1[2] * v2[1]) + a[1] * (v1[2] * v2[0] - v1[0] * v2[2]) + a[2] * (v1[0] * v2[1] - v1[1] * v2[0]);

double* cross3(double* v1, double* v2){
    double* v = (double*)malloc(3 * sizeof(double));
    v[0] = v1[1] * v2[2] - v1[2] * v2[1];
    v[1] = v1[2] * v2[0] - v1[0] * v2[2];
    v[2] = v1[0] * v2[1] - v1[1] * v2[0];
    return v;

double dot3(double* v1, double* v2){
    return v1[0] * v2[0] + v1[1] * v2[1] + v1[2] * v2[2];

double norma3(double* v1){
    double soma = 0;
    for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
        soma += pow(v1[i], 2);
    return sqrt(soma);

double* multiplica3(double* v1, double v){
    double* v2 = (double*)malloc(3 * sizeof(double));
    for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
        v2[i] = v1[i] * v;
    return v2;

double* soma3(double* v1, double* v2, int sinal){
    double* v = (double*)malloc(3 * sizeof(double));
    for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
        v[i] = v1[i] + sinal * v2[i];
    return v;

Result_distance* closestDistanceBetweenLines(double* a0, double* a1, double* b0, double* b1, int clampAll, int clampA0, int clampA1, int clampB0, int clampB1){
    double denom, det0, det1, t0, t1, d;
    double *A, *B, *_A, *_B, *cross, *t, *pA, *pB;
    Result_distance *rd = (Result_distance *)malloc(sizeof(Result_distance));

    if (clampAll){
        clampA0 = 1;
        clampA1 = 1;
        clampB0 = 1;
        clampB1 = 1;

    A = soma3(a1, a0, -1);
    B = soma3(b1, b0, -1);
    _A = multiplica3(A, 1 / norma3(A));
    _B = multiplica3(B, 1 / norma3(B));
    cross = cross3(_A, _B);
    denom = pow(norma3(cross), 2);

    if (denom == 0){
        double d0 = dot3(_A, soma3(b0, a0, -1));
        d = norma3(soma3(soma3(multiplica3(_A, d0), a0, 1), b0, -1));
        if (clampA0 || clampA1 || clampB0 || clampB1){
            double d1 = dot3(_A, soma3(b1, a0, -1));
            if (d0 <= 0 && 0 >= d1){
                if (clampA0 && clampB1){
                    if (abs(d0) < abs(d1)){
                        rd->pA = b0;
                        rd->pB = a0;
                        rd->d = norma3(soma3(b0, a0, -1));
                        rd->pA = b1;
                        rd->pB = a0;
                        rd->d = norma3(soma3(b1, a0, -1));
            else if (d0 >= norma3(A) && norma3(A) <= d1){
                if (clampA1 && clampB0){
                    if (abs(d0) <abs(d1)){
                        rd->pA = b0;
                        rd->pB = a1;
                        rd->d = norma3(soma3(b0, a1, -1));
                        rd->pA = b1;
                        rd->pB = a1;
                        rd->d = norma3(soma3(b1, a1, -1));
            rd->pA = NULL;
            rd->pB = NULL;
            rd->d = d;
        t = soma3(b0, a0, -1);
        det0 = determinante3(t, _B, cross);
        det1 = determinante3(t, _A, cross);
        t0 = det0 / denom;
        t1 = det1 / denom;
        pA = soma3(a0, multiplica3(_A, t0), 1);
        pB = soma3(b0, multiplica3(_B, t1), 1);

        if (clampA0 || clampA1 || clampB0 || clampB1){
            if (t0 < 0 && clampA0)
                pA = a0;
            else if (t0 > norma3(A) && clampA1)
                pA = a1;
            if (t1 < 0 && clampB0)
                pB = b0;
            else if (t1 > norma3(B) && clampB1)
                pB = b1;

        d = norma3(soma3(pA, pB, -1));

        rd->pA = pA;
        rd->pB = pB;
        rd->d = d;

    return rd;

int main(void){
    double a1[] = { 13.43, 21.77, 46.81 };
    double a0[] = { 27.83, 31.74, -26.60 };
    double b0[] = { 77.54, 7.53, 6.22 };
    double b1[] = { 26.99, 12.39, 11.18 };

    Result_distance* rd = closestDistanceBetweenLines(a0, a1, b0, b1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0);
    printf("pA = [%f, %f, %f]\n", rd->pA[0], rd->pA[1], rd->pA[2]);
    printf("pB = [%f, %f, %f]\n", rd->pB[0], rd->pB[1], rd->pB[2]);
    printf("d = %f\n", rd->d);
    return 0;
4楼-- · 2019-01-14 08:30

Please note that the above solutions are correct under the assumption that the line segments do not intersect! If the line segments intersect it is clear that their distance should be 0. It is therefore necessary to one final check which is: Suppose the distance between point A and CD, d(A,CD), was the smallest of the 4 checks mentioned by Dean. Then take a small step along the segment AB from point A. Denote this point E. If d(E,CD) < d(A,CD), the segments must be intersecting! Note that this will never be the case addressed by Stephen.

5楼-- · 2019-01-14 08:31

This solution is in essence the one from Alex Martelli, but I've added a Point and a LineSegment class to make reading easier. I also adjusted the formatting and added some tests.

The line segment intersection is wrong, but it seems not to matter for the calculation of the distance of line segments. If you're interested in a correct line segment intersection thest, look here: How do you detect whether or not two line segments intersect?

#!/usr/bin/env python

"""Calculate the distance between line segments."""

import math

class Point(object):
    """A two dimensional point."""
    def __init__(self, x, y):
        self.x = float(x)
        self.y = float(y)

class LineSegment(object):
    """A line segment in a two dimensional space."""
    def __init__(self, p1, p2):
        assert isinstance(p1, Point), \
            "p1 is not of type Point, but of %r" % type(p1)
        assert isinstance(p2, Point), \
            "p2 is not of type Point, but of %r" % type(p2)
        self.p1 = p1
        self.p2 = p2

def segments_distance(segment1, segment2):
    """Calculate the distance between two line segments in the plane.

    >>> a = LineSegment(Point(1,0), Point(2,0))
    >>> b = LineSegment(Point(0,1), Point(0,2))
    >>> "%0.2f" % segments_distance(a, b)
    >>> c = LineSegment(Point(0,0), Point(5,5))
    >>> d = LineSegment(Point(2,2), Point(4,4))
    >>> e = LineSegment(Point(2,2), Point(7,7))
    >>> "%0.2f" % segments_distance(c, d)
    >>> "%0.2f" % segments_distance(c, e)
    if segments_intersect(segment1, segment2):
        return 0
    # try each of the 4 vertices w/the other segment
    distances = []
    distances.append(point_segment_distance(segment1.p1, segment2))
    distances.append(point_segment_distance(segment1.p2, segment2))
    distances.append(point_segment_distance(segment2.p1, segment1))
    distances.append(point_segment_distance(segment2.p2, segment1))
    return min(distances)

def segments_intersect(segment1, segment2):
    """Check if two line segments in the plane intersect.
    >>> segments_intersect(LineSegment(Point(0,0), Point(1,0)), \
                           LineSegment(Point(0,0), Point(1,0)))
    dx1 = segment1.p2.x - segment1.p1.x
    dy1 = segment1.p2.y - segment1.p2.y
    dx2 = segment2.p2.x - segment2.p1.x
    dy2 = segment2.p2.y - segment2.p1.y
    delta = dx2 * dy1 - dy2 * dx1
    if delta == 0:  # parallel segments
        # TODO: Could be (partially) identical!
        return False
    s = (dx1 * (segment2.p1.y - segment1.p1.y) +
         dy1 * (segment1.p1.x - segment2.p1.x)) / delta
    t = (dx2 * (segment1.p1.y - segment2.p1.y) +
         dy2 * (segment2.p1.x - segment1.p1.x)) / (-delta)
    return (0 <= s <= 1) and (0 <= t <= 1)

def point_segment_distance(point, segment):
    >>> a = LineSegment(Point(1,0), Point(2,0))
    >>> b = LineSegment(Point(2,0), Point(0,2))
    >>> point_segment_distance(Point(0,0), a)
    >>> "%0.2f" % point_segment_distance(Point(0,0), b)
    assert isinstance(point, Point), \
        "point is not of type Point, but of %r" % type(point)
    dx = segment.p2.x - segment.p1.x
    dy = segment.p2.y - segment.p1.y
    if dx == dy == 0:  # the segment's just a point
        return math.hypot(point.x - segment.p1.x, point.y - segment.p1.y)

    if dx == 0:
        if (point.y <= segment.p1.y or point.y <= segment.p2.y) and \
           (point.y >= segment.p2.y or point.y >= segment.p2.y):
            return abs(point.x - segment.p1.x)

    if dy == 0:
        if (point.x <= segment.p1.x or point.x <= segment.p2.x) and \
           (point.x >= segment.p2.x or point.x >= segment.p2.x):
            return abs(point.y - segment.p1.y)

    # Calculate the t that minimizes the distance.
    t = ((point.x - segment.p1.x) * dx + (point.y - segment.p1.y) * dy) / \
        (dx * dx + dy * dy)

    # See if this represents one of the segment's
    # end points or a point in the middle.
    if t < 0:
        dx = point.x - segment.p1.x
        dy = point.y - segment.p1.y
    elif t > 1:
        dx = point.x - segment.p2.x
        dy = point.y - segment.p2.y
        near_x = segment.p1.x + t * dx
        near_y = segment.p1.y + t * dy
        dx = point.x - near_x
        dy = point.y - near_y

    return math.hypot(dx, dy)

if __name__ == '__main__':
    import doctest
6楼-- · 2019-01-14 08:33

This is my solution in python. Works with 3d points and you can simplify for 2d.

[EDIT 1] I added a clamp option if you want to limit results to the line segments

[EDIT 2] As D.A. pointed out, because two lines are parallel doesn't mean they can't have distance between them. So I edited the code to handle that situation. I also made the clamp conditions more general, so each segments can be clamped on either side.

[EDIT 3] Addressed a bug jhutar pointed out that could occur when both lines have clamped conditions and the projected results go beyond the line segments.

import numpy as np

def closestDistanceBetweenLines(a0,a1,b0,b1,clampAll=False,clampA0=False,clampA1=False,clampB0=False,clampB1=False):

    ''' Given two lines defined by numpy.array pairs (a0,a1,b0,b1)
        Return the closest points on each segment and their distance

    # If clampAll=True, set all clamps to True
    if clampAll:

    # Calculate denomitator
    A = a1 - a0
    B = b1 - b0
    magA = np.linalg.norm(A)
    magB = np.linalg.norm(B)

    _A = A / magA
    _B = B / magB

    cross = np.cross(_A, _B);
    denom = np.linalg.norm(cross)**2

    # If lines are parallel (denom=0) test if lines overlap.
    # If they don't overlap then there is a closest point solution.
    # If they do overlap, there are infinite closest positions, but there is a closest distance
    if not denom:
        d0 =,(b0-a0))

        # Overlap only possible with clamping
        if clampA0 or clampA1 or clampB0 or clampB1:
            d1 =,(b1-a0))

            # Is segment B before A?
            if d0 <= 0 >= d1:
                if clampA0 and clampB1:
                    if np.absolute(d0) < np.absolute(d1):
                        return a0,b0,np.linalg.norm(a0-b0)
                    return a0,b1,np.linalg.norm(a0-b1)

            # Is segment B after A?
            elif d0 >= magA <= d1:
                if clampA1 and clampB0:
                    if np.absolute(d0) < np.absolute(d1):
                        return a1,b0,np.linalg.norm(a1-b0)
                    return a1,b1,np.linalg.norm(a1-b1)

        # Segments overlap, return distance between parallel segments
        return None,None,np.linalg.norm(((d0*_A)+a0)-b0)

    # Lines criss-cross: Calculate the projected closest points
    t = (b0 - a0);
    detA = np.linalg.det([t, _B, cross])
    detB = np.linalg.det([t, _A, cross])

    t0 = detA/denom;
    t1 = detB/denom;

    pA = a0 + (_A * t0) # Projected closest point on segment A
    pB = b0 + (_B * t1) # Projected closest point on segment B

    # Clamp projections
    if clampA0 or clampA1 or clampB0 or clampB1:
        if clampA0 and t0 < 0:
            pA = a0
        elif clampA1 and t0 > magA:
            pA = a1

        if clampB0 and t1 < 0:
            pB = b0
        elif clampB1 and t1 > magB:
            pB = b1

        # Clamp projection A
        if (clampA0 and t0 < 0) or (clampA1 and t0 > magA):
            dot =,(pA-b0))
            if clampB0 and dot < 0:
                dot = 0
            elif clampB1 and dot > magB:
                dot = magB
            pB = b0 + (_B * dot)

        # Clamp projection B
        if (clampB0 and t1 < 0) or (clampB1 and t1 > magB):
            dot =,(pB-a0))
            if clampA0 and dot < 0:
                dot = 0
            elif clampA1 and dot > magA:
                dot = magA
            pA = a0 + (_A * dot)

    return pA,pB,np.linalg.norm(pA-pB)

Test example with pictures to help visualize :)

a1=np.array([13.43, 21.77, 46.81])
a0=np.array([27.83, 31.74, -26.60])
b0=np.array([77.54, 7.53, 6.22])
b1=np.array([26.99, 12.39, 11.18])

# Result: (15.826771412132246, array([ 19.85163563,  26.21609078,  14.07303667]), array([ 26.99,  12.39,  11.18])) # 
# Result: (13.240709703623203, array([ 19.85163563,  26.21609078,  14.07303667]), array([ 18.40058604,  13.21580716,  12.02279907])) # 

Closest point between two lines Closest point between two lines segments

7楼-- · 2019-01-14 08:37

For calculating the minimum distance between 2 2D line segments it is true that you have to perform 4 perpendicular distance from endpoint to other line checks successively using each of the 4 endpoints. However, if you find that the perpendicular line drawn out does not intersect the line segment in any of the 4 cases then you have to perform 4 additional endpoint to endpoint distance checks to find the shortest distance.

Whether there is a more elegent solution to this I do not know.

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