I am having trouble inserting null values into date fields into a MySQL table.
Here is the insert query:
$query = 'INSERT INTO table (column_s1, column_s2, column_d1, column_d2)
VALUES ("'.$string1.'", "'.$string2.'", '.$date1.', '.$date2.')';
Columns s1 and s2 take string values and d1 and d2 take dates. When I run this query with only the string fields, there is no problem.
The date values can be either set or null, so I have not included the quotation marks in the query, but have instead added them to the variable earlier on. This is the php code I am using to set the date values:
if (empty($date1)){
$date1 = NULL;
$date1part = explode("/",$date1);
$date1 = '"'.$date1part[2].'/'.$date1part[1].'/'.$date1part[0].'"';
When the date values are all set, the record is inserted correctly. However, when either of the dates is null, nothing is inserted.
Why can't I just insert null values into MySQL like this?
In Mysql
data type DefaultNULL
meansSome version set as
Some version set as