I just found out that the following (awesome) syntax is accepted by Firefox
f = function(x) x+1;
f(17) //gives 18
Does anyone know what the hell is going on here? Is this in any standard? Do other browsers also accept it? (I tested IE 8 and it gave me syntax error)
The braces are being omitted, just as you can for other control structures that take a block (
). It's part of standard syntax for those, perhaps not for functions. One could check the spec I guess.The convention is that if braces are omitted, the block is the following single statement (only one statement).
For example
is equivalent to
However, note that
is NOT equivalent to
it is actually
I avoid the braceless construct, personally, since it can lead to maintainability problems when the code is modified by people who don't know how this works.
This isn't part of a standard. The documentation is at https://developer.mozilla.org/en/New_in_JavaScript_1.8#Expression_closures_%28Merge_into_own_page.2fsection%29
There's discussion about adding some syntax along these lines or even shorter to the standard. See http://wiki.ecmascript.org/doku.php?id=strawman:shorter_function_syntax