I noticed that when I run JavaFX application on JVM 7 and JVM 8 I get different default skins. How I can set the default skin to be same on every JVM?
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The default stylesheet for JavaFX 2 is caspian.css. You can find it in jfxrt.jar under com.sun.javafx.scene.control.skin.caspian. This changed with JavaFX 8 and I believe the default stylesheet is named modena.css. In order to get a common stylesheet, you will have to either define your own or copy one of the defaults into your project.
You can set the default skin:
You can also run with -Djavafx.userAgentStylesheetUrl=caspian on the command line.
You can set your own skin by adding a style sheet.
Unfortunately there is no default style sheet. Maybe browsing in jfxrt.jar might yield something.