I'm trying to get to grips with Server-Side Events as they fit my requirements perfectly and seem like they should be simple to implement, however I can't get past a vague error and what looks like the connection repeatedly being closed and re-opened. Everything I have tried is based on this and other tutorials.
The PHP is a single script:
header('Content-Type: text/event-stream');
header('Cache-Control: no-cache');
function sendMsg($id, $msg) {
echo "id: $id" . PHP_EOL;
echo "data: $msg" . PHP_EOL;
echo PHP_EOL;
$serverTime = time();
sendMsg($serverTime, 'server time: ' . date("h:i:s", time()));
and the JavaScript looks like this (run on body load):
function init() {
var source;
if (!!window.EventSource) {
source = new EventSource('events.php');
source.addEventListener('message', function(e) {
document.getElementById('output').innerHTML += e.data + '<br />';
}, false);
source.addEventListener('open', function(e) {
document.getElementById('output').innerHTML += 'connection opened<br />';
}, false);
source.addEventListener('error', function(e) {
document.getElementById('output').innerHTML += 'error<br />';
}, false);
else {
alert("Browser doesn't support Server-Sent Events");
I have searched around a bit but can't find information on
- If Apache needs any special configuration to support server-sent events, and
- How I can initiate a push from the server with this kind of setup (e.g. can I simply execute the PHP script from CLI to give a push to the already-connected-browser?)
If I run this JS in Chrome (16.0.912.77) it opens the connection, receives the time, then errors (with no useful information in the error object), then reconnects in 3 seconds and goes through the same process. In Firefox (10.0) I get the same behaviour.
EDIT 1: I thought the issue could be related to the server I was using, so I tested on a vanilla XAMPP install and the same error comes up. Should a basic server configuration be able to handle this without modification / extra configuration?
EDIT 2: The following is an example of output from the browser:
connection opened
server time: 01:47:20
connection opened
server time: 01:47:23
connection opened
server time: 01:47:26
Can anyone tell me where this is going wrong? The tutorials I have seen make it look like SSE is very straightforward. Also any answers to my two numbered questions above would be really helpful.
I'm trying the same thing. With varying degrees of success.
Read that I need a "push" module for Nginx that requires a re-build from source.
So this is definitely an Nginx problem.
All this said, I still don't have a solution. I've tried to remove the buffering on the PHP and Nginx. But still nothing until PHP finishes. Tried different header options, eg chunks didn't help either. I don't feel like writing a full blown http server in 'C' but this seems to be the only option that is working for me at the moment. I'm about to try Apache, but most write ups suggest that this is worse than Nginx at this job.
The problem is your php.
With the way your php script is written, only one message is sent per execution. That's how it works if you access the php file directly, and that's how it works if you access the file with an EventSource. So in order to make your php script send multiple messages, you need a loop.
I have altered your code to include an infinite loop that waits 1 second after every message sent (following an example found here: Using server-sent events).
This type of loop is what I'm currently using and it eliminated the constant connection drop and reconnect every 3 seconds. However (and I've only tested this in chrome), the connections are now only kept alive for 30 seconds. I will be continuing to figure out why this is the case and I'll post a solution when I find one, but until then this should at least get you closer to your goal.
Hope that helps,
In order to keep the connection open for ridiculously long times with php, you need to set the max_execution_time (Thanks to tomfumb for this). This can be accomplished in at least three ways:
Server Sent Event as name suggests the data should be traveling from server to client if it has to reconnect every three seconds to retrieve data from server then it is no different than other polling mechanisms.The purpose of SSE is to alert client as soon as there is new data which client is unaware of.Since server closes connection even if header is keep-alive there is no other way than to run php script in infinite loop but with considerable thread sleep to prevent burden on server.Till now i don't see any other way out and its better than spamming server every 3 seconds for new data.
I was able to do it by implementing a custom event loop. It seems that this html5 feature is not ready at all and has compatibility issues even with the latest version of google chrome. Here it is, working on firefox (can't get the message sent correctly on chrome) :
P.S. : _e is a function that calls document.getElementById(id);
According to the Spec, the 3 second reconnection is by design when the connection is closed. PHP with a loop should theoretically stop this but the PHP script will be running indefinitely and wasting resources. You should try to avoid using apache and php for SSE because of this issue.
The standard http response should close a connection once the response is sent. You can change this with the header "connection: keep-alive" which should tell the browser that the connection is meant to stay open although this can cause problems if you're using proxies.
node.js or something similar is a better engine to use for SSE rather than apache/php and since it's basically JavaScript, its pretty easy to get to grips with.
Server Sent Events are easy only when it comes to the Javascript part. First of all a lot of tutorials on SSE in the internet are closing their connections in the server part. Be it PHP or Java examples. This is really astonishing because what you get then is just a different way of implementing a "Ajax Polling" system with a strictly defined payload structure (and some minor features like client retry values set by server side). You can easily implement that with a few lines of jQuery. No need for SSE then.
According to the spec of SSE, i would say that the retry shouldnt be the normal way of implementing a client side loop. For me SSE is a one way streaming method which relies on a server backend which does not close the connection after pushing the first data to the client.
In Java its useful to use Servlet3 Async spec in order to free the request thread immediately and do the processing / streaming in a different thread. This works so far but still i dont like the 30 seconds connection lifetime for the EventSource request. Even i am pushing data every 5 seconds, the connection will be terminated after 30 seconds (chrome, firefox). Of course SSE will reconnect per default after 3 seconds but still i dont think this is the way it should be.
One problem is that some Java MVC frameworks dont have the ability to keep the connection open after data sending, so that you end up coding to the bare Servlet API. After on 24hours on coding prototypes in Java, i am more or less dissapointed because the gain over a traditional jQuery-Ajax-loop is not THAT much. And the problem with polyfilling the SSE feature is also existant.