I have a smart-scrolling list of cards, and while I love the look of card-columns
, its pretty frustrating that it orders top to bottom, like so:
1 4 7
2 5 8
3 6 9
This vertical ordering seems basically useless for anything where the content loads more than a few items. If I have 50 items, some of the least important ones will be at the top!
I've tried some variations using flexbox, but couldn't get anything to work. Does anyone have horizontal ordering working?
As documented, the order of the CSS columns is top to bottom, then left to right so the order of the rendered columns will be..
There is no way to change the order of CSS columns. It's suggested you use another solution like Masonry. https://github.com/twbs/bootstrap/issues/17882
The only thing that worked for me was integrating "bricklayer"
Found here a nice and basic solution (not directly for bootstrap) to set a masonry vertical or horizontal with css http://w3bits.com/flexbox-masonry/
I will give a test and give feedback how to use with bootstrap 4.
for horizontal usage:
for vertical usage: