When calling a custom plugin, how can I get the current selector string?
$('my_selector p').my_plugin();
Would like to output my_selector p
within my script. How can I access this string?
When calling a custom plugin, how can I get the current selector string?
$('my_selector p').my_plugin();
Would like to output my_selector p
within my script. How can I access this string?
Post selector deprecation v. 1.7:
If you're only dealing with ids and classes as selectors you can use the following:
There are cleaner ways but since the removal of .selector due to being inconsistent between browsers since 1.7, this has been my go-to.
Being deprecated, the official advice is to add the selector as a parameter in your function call: https://api.jquery.com/selector/
Redundant, yes, but it's always reliable.
With sector deprecated i use
just two lines of code
or if you're really cheap with lines
You can use
property:version deprecated:
, removed:1.9
Extending to kevinmicke's answer : You can get the selector in your event object that you pass on callback functions.
In callback functions
You'll get the selector string in e.handleObj.selector
Console Log gives an object like this: