I am trying to amend the macro below to accept a macro parameter as the 'location' argument for a dir command. However I cannot get it to resolve correctly due to the nested quotes issue. Using %str(%') does not work, neither do quoting functions for some reason.
The macro will work fine when the filepath has no spaces (eg C:\temp\withnospace) as the middle quotes aren't needed. However I need this macro to work for filepaths with spaces (eg 'C:\temp\with space\').
Please help!
%macro get_filenames(location)
filename pipedir pipe "dir &location. /b " lrecl=32767;
data filenames;
infile pipedir truncover;
input line $char1000.;
%get_filenames(C:\temp\) /* works */
%get_filenames('C:\temp\with space') /* doesnt work */
Here's a pure macro code version. It also allows you to specify that you only want to know about files (and not folders) and lets you specify a basic filter. It returns the list of files in a delimited format but you can easily insert these into a dataset using SQL insert if you wanted to (example included but not tested - no SAS access atm). It can be called from anywhere - within another macro, a dataset, an sql statement... wherever. Just add these two macros to your macro autocall library and you're right to go.
There are 2 macros below. The %isdir macro is required by the %file_list macro. The macros are a bit larger and more complex than the above but they are MUCH more flexible. Plus they provide error checking.
Based on the last sample on this page, instead of the filename statement, try
and call the macro without using quotes:
I also tried macro quoting, but couldn't get it to work.