In my project i have to use youtube api and play only audio of the video. We must not show the youtube player. Is it possible to play only audio without showing video using youtube api?
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If it is against TOS, the op should just drop the idea of implementing his idea.
Just imagine the free music everyone will be streaming out of the promo videos of major videos on youtube!
Well, one can simply give the video a width and height of
, or better yet do:And then force the video to play via the API controls. But I wouldn't do it as it is against their TOS and would result in my app being blocked if they find out.
Maybe you can force your view over the youtube view? Have you tried that?
Extraction may be the incorrect implied word here. From what I understand, is user133611 wants to have an audio only stream from YouTube. Unfortunately, YouTube directly forbids it. Here is a quote from Kuan Yong from the YouTube API team:
Link reference:
I really confused about your platform. Do you want to do it over iOS platform with writing native code? If yes, you can do it without playing video. But you have to stream both video and music. You can do it with AVAudioPlayer Class, check the reference from
But yes, you will makes users GSM data overload and it's not fair with letting users about that situation.
Is the audio only prohibition still valid? Streamus is available as a Chrome Extension. It streams audio only from YT - see website