I am building an Watch app where I want to overlay WKInterfaceImage with a group with a bunch of WKInterfaceLabel objects. Can't seem to be able to do this in StoryBoard editor.
Has anyone ever been able to achieve laying out views on top of each other for Watch App?
PS. I am aware of WKInterfaceGroup setBackgroundImage method. Since I want to do some animation inside WKInterfaceImage, setBackgroundImage is not going to woe for me
You can't layout WKInterfaceObjects on top of each other. You can render the labels over your image and then set it. You will have to render the labels for each frame of the animation. I do this in my watch app for buttons. I generate an image that is a large piece of my UI, I then generate each frame of the animations and overlay the button text for each frame. Then a cut up the image for each frame so that I can the animations on each of the buttons. When you use the app it looks like the image is animating under the buttons, when in actuality it is 4 different animations in 4 different buttons.
I figured I would add some more detail. Here is a screen capture of my app. I am guessing that you want to do something similar.
First in my storyboard you need to make sure that the spacing for your groups in zero.
To create this UI I use this helper class. I have edited this class to focus on just the needed parts.
Next in my WKInterfaceController class I do this to make the animations.
In InterfaceBuilder: You can just use a Group and set a Backgroundimage from your assets. When you then add an WKInterfaceImage into that group you have two layers to work with (if two layers are enough for you).