Trying to see if a UIViewController or UIView can identify its Storyboard ID. So was hoping for:
UIViewController *aViewController;
NSString *storyboardID =; //not an actual property
NSString *storyboardID = [aViewController.storyboard valueForKey:@"storyboardId"]; //also not a working call
But no joy and couldn't find a similar solution online. Does anyone know if this is even possible?
You can use the restorationIdentifier, it's right above the Storyboard identifier and it's a UIViewController property.
You can compare with class name . import class and then try.
The most reliable method for returning the "id" of the UIViewController or UIView is...
This will return... "29w-Ic-LNo-view-FDu-oq-UpZ", where "29w-Ic-LNo" is the Object ID of the UIViewController and "FDu-oq-UpZ" is the Object ID of the UIView.
However, you may also use...
This will return the "Title" of the UIViewController in the Attributes Inspector; so just as easily as you added the Storyboard ID to the UIViewController, you may also add a title.
You can also try doing something like this:-
This will precisely give you the Storyboard Id that you have set via interface builder.
Swift extension:
You can use the Restoration ID:
Just check the checkbox 'Use Storyboard ID'
The storyboard id is only meant to find and instantiate a VC from a storyboard. As written in the UIStoryboard reference:
"This identifier is not a property of the view controller object itself and is only used by the storyboard file to locate the view controller."
Why do you need it?