Does Twitter Bootstrap v3 include jQuery or do I need to include jQuery separately? If it does include jQuery, what version (number) of jQuery is included, and are all jQuery functions available when using Bootstrap?
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The Bootstrap jQuery plugins are just like any other jQuery plugins in that they require jQuery to work. You download jQuery and include it in your page, and then include the Boostrap plugins.
It doesn't use a specific version of jQuery, just get the latest version from the jQuery site.
All jQuery functions are available in jQuery (how else?), Bootstrap has nothing to do with it... it just gives you some extra plugins.
Right here in the docs
Here is the current release link for jQuery
There are a number of elements to the Bootstrap "product" - one of them are JavaScript Plugins - only these require jQuery - and they extend the jQuery functionality so yes all jQuery methods / functions are available. The remainder (CSS, Scaffolding, Components etc) require HTML and CSS (or a combination)
jQuery is not included within the Twitter Bootstrap download - you must download it / link to a CDN version of it
Yes, jQuery plugins require jQuery. And as Mike pointed out, it is clearly mentioned on the site.
Also as Mike mentioned, latest version
jQuery functions are available through jQuery, they have nothing to do with Bootstrap. If you include the jQuery library, you can use any jQuery functionality you want.