Create a folder and sub folder in Excel VBA

2020-01-29 04:33发布

I have a pull down menu of companies that is populated by a list on another sheet. Three columns, Company, Job #, and Part Number.

When a job is created I need a folder for said company and a sub-folder for said Part Number.

If you go down the path it would look like:

C:\Images\Company Name\Part Number\

If either company name or Part number exists don't create, or overwrite the old one. Just go to next step. So if both folders exist nothing happens, if one or both don't exist create as required.

Another question is there a way to make it so it works on Macs and PCs the same?

2楼-- · 2020-01-29 04:46

This works like a charm in AutoCad VBA and I grabbed it from an excel forum. I don't know why you all make it so complicated?


Question: I'm not sure if a particular directory exists already. If it doesn't exist, I'd like to create it using VBA code. How can I do this?

Answer: You can test to see if a directory exists using the VBA code below:

(Quotes below are omitted to avoid confusion of programming code)

If Len(Dir("c:\TOTN\Excel\Examples", vbDirectory)) = 0 Then

   MkDir "c:\TOTN\Excel\Examples"

End If

3楼-- · 2020-01-29 04:52

Here's short sub without error handling that creates subdirectories:

Public Function CreateSubDirs(ByVal vstrPath As String)
   Dim marrPath() As String
   Dim mint As Integer

   marrPath = Split(vstrPath, "\")
   vstrPath = marrPath(0) & "\"

   For mint = 1 To UBound(marrPath) 'walk down directory tree until not exists
      If (Dir(vstrPath, vbDirectory) = "") Then Exit For
      vstrPath = vstrPath & marrPath(mint) & "\"
   Next mint

   MkDir vstrPath

   For mint = mint To UBound(marrPath) 'create directories
      vstrPath = vstrPath & marrPath(mint) & "\"
      MkDir vstrPath
   Next mint
End Function
4楼-- · 2020-01-29 04:52

I know this has been answered and there were many good answers already, but for people who come here and look for a solution I could post what I have settled with eventually.

The following code handles both paths to a drive (like "C:\Users...") and to a server address (style: "\Server\Path.."), it takes a path as an argument and automatically strips any file names from it (use "\" at the end if it's already a directory path) and it returns false if for whatever reason the folder could not be created. Oh yes, it also creates sub-sub-sub-directories, if this was requested.

Public Function CreatePathTo(path As String) As Boolean

Dim sect() As String    ' path sections
Dim reserve As Integer  ' number of path sections that should be left untouched
Dim cPath As String     ' temp path
Dim pos As Integer      ' position in path
Dim lastDir As Integer  ' the last valid path length
Dim i As Integer        ' loop var

' unless it all works fine, assume it didn't work:
CreatePathTo = False

' trim any file name and the trailing path separator at the end:
path = Left(path, InStrRev(path, Application.PathSeparator) - 1)

' split the path into directory names
sect = Split(path, "\")

' what kind of path is it?
If (UBound(sect) < 2) Then ' illegal path
    Exit Function
ElseIf (InStr(sect(0), ":") = 2) Then
    reserve = 0 ' only drive name is reserved
ElseIf (sect(0) = vbNullString) And (sect(1) = vbNullString) Then
    reserve = 2 ' server-path - reserve "\\Server\"
Else ' unknown type
    Exit Function
End If

' check backwards from where the path is missing:
lastDir = -1
For pos = UBound(sect) To reserve Step -1

    ' build the path:
    cPath = vbNullString
    For i = 0 To pos
        cPath = cPath & sect(i) & Application.PathSeparator
    Next ' i

    ' check if this path exists:
    If (Dir(cPath, vbDirectory) <> vbNullString) Then
        lastDir = pos
        Exit For
    End If

Next ' pos

' create subdirectories from that point onwards:
On Error GoTo Error01
For pos = lastDir + 1 To UBound(sect)

    ' build the path:
    cPath = vbNullString
    For i = 0 To pos
        cPath = cPath & sect(i) & Application.PathSeparator
    Next ' i

    ' create the directory:
    MkDir cPath

Next ' pos

CreatePathTo = True
Exit Function


End Function

I hope someone may find this useful. Enjoy! :-)

5楼-- · 2020-01-29 05:00

There are some good answers on here, so I will just add some process improvements. A better way of determining if the folder exists (does not use FileSystemObjects, which not all computers are allowed to use):

Function FolderExists(FolderPath As String) As Boolean
     FolderExists = True
     On Error Resume Next
     ChDir FolderPath
     If Err <> 0 Then FolderExists = False
     On Error GoTo 0
End Function


Function FileExists(FileName As String) As Boolean
     If Dir(FileName) <> "" Then FileExists = True Else FileExists = False
小情绪 Triste *
6楼-- · 2020-01-29 05:01

Another simple version working on PC:

Sub CreateDir(strPath As String)
    Dim elm As Variant
    Dim strCheckPath As String

    strCheckPath = ""
    For Each elm In Split(strPath, "\")
        strCheckPath = strCheckPath & elm & "\"
        If Len(Dir(strCheckPath, vbDirectory)) = 0 Then MkDir strCheckPath
End Sub
7楼-- · 2020-01-29 05:03

I found a much better way of doing the same, less code, much more efficient. Note that the """" is to quote the path in case it contains blanks in a folder name. Command line mkdir creates any intermediary folder if necessary to make the whole path exist.

If Dir(YourPath, vbDirectory) = "" Then
    Shell ("cmd /c mkdir """ & YourPath & """")
End If
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