I had created an app and when tried to run,get an error like this.
ERROR: In <declare-styleable> MenuView, unable to find attribute android:preserveIconSpacing
and at end of R.java
please help me to fix this issue
I had created an app and when tried to run,get an error like this.
ERROR: In <declare-styleable> MenuView, unable to find attribute android:preserveIconSpacing
and at end of R.java
please help me to fix this issue
I fixed the problem by going to the path
Then change it, From
also, remove
I think switched the API Level is not a genuine solution. We can resolve this by follows these steps:
Go to "C:\Users\AjaySharma\AppData\Local\Xamarin\Android.Support.v7.AppCompat\20.0.0\content\support\v7\appcompat\res\values\attrs.xml"
(Pleae make sure , change USer name and Target version in path)
Find "android:preserveIconSpacing" in file and remove or comment this entire line.
Now, You can Build Seccessfully. For more details. Read this
if all the above answers don't work for you are probably missing
apply plugin: 'com.google.gms.google-services'
in you app build.gradle
In my case for the same error, when all else failed, I removed this line from
config file,myproject/app/build.gradle
config:compile 'com.android.support.constraint:constraint-layout:1.0.2'
and, voila! It worked.
I had the same problem in Eclipse, and fixed it by changing the API level by...
I think I was having the problem because I had just switched from API 21 to 22. I had read earlier that API 22 was trouble-some, so people were not using it.
Hope that helps.
I had this problem after upgrading my version of Eclipse (and Google Plugin):
I have solved it by deleting the appcompat_v7 project from my workspace (and my disk).
And then creating a new Android project MyApp1 - which has recreated the appcompat_v7 project (here fullscreen):
After that I have deleted the MyApp1 project again.