How much of a bottleneck is memory allocation/deallocation in typical real-world programs? Answers from any type of program where performance typically matters are welcome. Are decent implementations of malloc/free/garbage collection fast enough that it's only a bottleneck in a few corner cases, or would most performance-critical software benefit significantly from trying to keep the amount of memory allocations down or having a faster malloc/free/garbage collection implementation?
Note: I'm not talking about real-time stuff here. By performance-critical, I mean stuff where throughput matters, but latency doesn't necessarily.
Edit: Although I mention malloc, this question is not intended to be C/C++ specific.
Others have covered C/C++ so I'll just add a little information on .NET.
In .NET heap allocation is generally really fast, as it it just a matter of just grabbing the memory in the generation zero part of the heap. Obviously this cannot go on forever, which is where garbage collection comes in. Garbage collection may affect the performance of your application significantly since user threads must be suspended during compaction of memory. The fewer full collects, the better.
There are various things you can do to affect the workload of the garbage collector in .NET. Generally if you have a lot of memory reference the garbage collector will have to do more work. E.g. by implementing a graph using an adjacency matrix instead of references between nodes the garbage collector will have to analyze fewer references.
Whether that is actually significant in your application or not depends on several factors and you should profile the application with actual data before turning to such optimizations.
This is where c/c++'s memory allocation system works the best. The default allocation strategy is OK for most cases but it can be changed to suit whatever is needed. In GC systems there's not a lot you can do to change allocation strategies. Of course, there is a price to pay, and that's the need to track allocations and free them correctly. C++ takes this further and the allocation strategy can be specified per class using the new operator:
Many of the STL templates allow you to define custom allocators as well.
As with all things to do with optimisation, you must first determine, through run time analysis, if memory allocation really is the bottleneck before writing your own allocators.
A Java VM will claim and release memory from the operating system pretty much indepdently of what the application code is doing. This allows it to grab and release memory in large chunks, which is hugely more efficient than doing it in tiny individual operations, as you get with manual memory management.
This article was written in 2005, and JVM-style memory management was already streets ahead. The situation has only improved since then.
Allocating and releasing memory in terms of performance are relatively costly operations. The calls in modern operating systems have to go all the way down to the kernel so that the operating system is able to deal with virtual memory, paging/mapping, execution protection etc.
On the other side, almost all modern programming languages hide these operations behind "allocators" which work with pre-allocated buffers.
This concept is also used by most applications which have a focus on throughput.
It's significant, especially as fragmentation grows and the allocator has to hunt harder across larger heaps for the contiguous regions you request. Most performance-sensitive applications typically write their own fixed-size block allocators (eg, they ask the OS for memory 16MB at a time and then parcel it out in fixed blocks of 4kb, 16kb, etc) to avoid this issue.
In games I've seen calls to malloc()/free() consume as much as 15% of the CPU (in poorly written products), or with carefully written and optimized block allocators, as little as 5%. Given that a game has to have a consistent throughput of sixty hertz, having it stall for 500ms while a garbage collector runs occasionally isn't practical.
I know I answered earlier, however, that was ananswer to the other answer's, not to your question.
To speak to you directly, if I understand correctly, your performance use case criteria is throughput.
This to me, means's that you should be looking almost exclusivly at NUMA aware allocators.
None of the earlier references; IBM JVM paper, Microquill C, SUN JVM. Cover this point so I am highly suspect of their application today, where, at least on the AMD ABI, NUMA is the pre-eminent memory-cpu governer.
Hands down; real world, fake world, whatever world... NUMA aware memory request/use technologies are faster. Unfortunately, I'm running Windows currently, and I have not found the "numastat" which is available in linux.
A friend of mine has written about this in depth in his implmentation for the FreeBSD kernel.
Dispite me being able to show at-hoc, the typically VERY large amount of local node memory requests on top of the remote node (underscoring the obvious performance throughput advantage), you can surly benchmark yourself, and that would likely be what you need todo as your performance charicterisitc is going to be highly specific.
I do know that in a lot of ways, at least earlier 5.x VMWARE faired rather poorly, at that time at least, for not taking advantage of NUMA, frequently demanding pages from the remote node. However, VM's are a very unique beast when it comes to memory compartmentailization or containerization.
One of the references I cited is to Microsoft's API implmentation for the AMD ABI, which has NUMA allocation specialized interfaces for user land application developers to exploit ;)
Here's a fairly recent analysis, visual and all, from some browser add-on developers who compare 4 different heap implmentations. Naturally the one they developed turns out on top (odd how the people who do the testing often exhibit the highest score's).
They do cover in some ways quantifiably, at least for their use case, what the exact trade off is between space/time, generally they had identified the LFH (oh ya and by the way LFH is simply a mode apparently of the standard heap) or similarly designed approach essentially consumes signifcantly more memory off the bat however over time, may wind up using less memory... the grafix are neat too...
I would think however that selecting a HEAP implmentation based on your typical workload after you well understand it ;) is a good idea, but to well understand your needs, first make sure your basic operations are correct before you optimize these odds and ends ;)