I have an android app currently published in Google Play which I update periodically. I follow the following process to sign the app before a new push:
Press right-mouse on the project, the 'Android tools' -> export signed application package Provide keystore password Sign your app Upload the apk file into Google Play Developer Console
Recently I have imported the project from Eclipse to Android Studio and continued working on Android Studio. Now I am planning to push a fix in the app. I have figured that I have this option to sign apk in android studio
Build -> Generate Signed apk ->
As per my understanding, for my android app I have to use the same key store and key store password which I used earlier to push updates into Google Play. Also here it's asking for Key Alias and Key Password. I don't remember the Key Alias and Key password(number 4 input in the image) while signing apk in Eclipse. Any suggestion what can I do now? If I already know my keystore and keystore password, is there an way to retrieve the key alias and alias key password?
Update: Now I can retrieve my key alias through keytool -list -v -keystore name.keystore command
Android Studio 3.0 below working method:
Find your old zipped project.
If you have built the apk, you'll find the password in file:
If you don't have zipped project, search your git repositories if you have .gradle folder pushed or not.
Otherwise you'll have to recover files and search files by content "Pandroid.injected.signing.store.password".
In windows - Just open your keystore file in notepad, and on very first line - you can see your alias written in English letter.
If looking in the logs doesn't help, you can also try to brute-force the password - check method 3 on this post - Android KeyStore Password Recover.
This SO post has more answers as well.
Just open the key file (.jks file) with notepad++ .You will get the alias name in the first line...
I have found my key password in below path
open the file and search with the part of the password that you remember. You will found it definitely.Also, You can refer this answer stackoverflow.com/a/43007357/7089151
You can find your keystore details without using password as following way.
Execute the command (
keytool -list -keystore <path>
) in command promptYou can find the Keytool in java folder in my machine I could find form the following path
Then it will ask you to enter the password, Here you don't need to enter the password instead of that press up arrow button and enter it. then the same details will be display with warning message as below.